Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Uber-Update: Because I just can't keep up with everything...

Okay...I was getting ready to start a whole new blog about my lifestyle and how awesome I think it is when I came across this.  I remember starting it, with the best of intentions, but somehow I let myself get too busy and here we are, 18 months later, making our first new post.

I guess that's okay though, since no one reads this thing besides me.  So no one is really angry that the pause in the drama took this long. 

Major updates:  

Job:  I am wearing many hats now, and recently I took one of them off and hung it off for a while.  It's hard to believe that I accepted, rocked, and left a pretty awesome full-time gig since the last blog post, but hey, that's exactly what happened and I am all about honesty.  I spent the 2012-2013 school year teaching Pre-K and I LOVED it! It made me super happy.  Here's our graduation day photo:

See how cute and happy we are? I was trying not to cry!

For professional reasons I elected to resign after my very successful rookie year of teaching.  I have one semester and one massive applied project capstone left and I will have my MAEd to add to my nerd accomplishments, so please include full-time grad student to the list of things that take up lots of my time.

I also received a bittersweet promotion at church when I became the Director of Early Childhood Ministries last fall.  I just love working with the kiddos, interacting with the parents, and integrating my two graduate degrees into one fun job.  Problem here is that a) it's ministry, so pay is kinda meh and b) job is a part-time gig, with no foreseeable bump in that status.  So I will just enjoy the ride until God bumps me up or sends me out to do more amazing things.

Lastly, but not least, I am an Advocare advisor.  Love, love, LOVE this company and all the opportunity it affords my family!  I feel better now than I have in a really long time, and I cannot describe how great it feels to help other folks feel this good too!   The pictures here show just how amazing the results can be with these products.  As a mom I often find myself putting myself last, and it takes a toll on your body.  Putting the best nutrition in makes all the difference between looking and feeling like a stranger in your own body, and looking like the awesome person you are!  

Family:  Things with the families are pretty good.  If you recall I wrote about my grandma's fight with cancer...she lost that fight last May.  She's been in heaven for over a year now, and sometimes it seems like she's been gone forever.  Some days I miss her like crazy, and some days I forget and think I should call her about something and then remember I can't.  Much like the death of my dad, I just have a hard time remembering that they really are gone sometimes.  She was amazing, and I know someday I will see her when it's my turn to go.

The kiddos are growing up so stinkin' fast!  Joel turned 4 in April and Kaylen will be 3 in September.  They play together so well and they are both so smart it can makes things awesome or make them pretty tough.  Joel will start Pre-K in just a few weeks...I just can't believe it is already time for that.  Kaylen will be homeschooled until either I find a full-time teaching gig or we get her and Joel both into good local schools.  It's going to be a pretty intense transition, but I know they are both excited about school. The think they are so big...and in a way, they are right.

Reflections on the last year-ish:

There was a brief moment there where it seemed like all the dreams my husband and I had planned were finally coming to fruition.  I was teaching full-time, the kiddos liked their school, we had put an offer in on a great little home, and Ky was looking at a promotion.  Just as quickly as all that happened, it was all taken away.  The house wasn't what it appeared so we withdrew and haven't offered since.  My job wasn't what it seemed so I made one of the hardest decisions of my life and put in my notice.  Ky is still waiting on that promotion, and it probably won't come at this company.  Despite all of those things, we are making it.  We have a bigger place to live, so the kiddos can run a muck in our 1500 square foot apartment.  We have four jobs between us, so thank God for that.  And we have a wonderful little family...so no matter how things change, the good parts seem to stay the same.